The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation’s (NFFF), First Responder Center for Excellence (FRCE) and the Knox Company have launched an inspiring campaign based on courageous acts of compassion. Expand Your Legacy – Become a Living Kidney Donor is an initiative that aims to raise awareness among firefighters about the life-changing impact of becoming a living kidney donor. It is a call to action for firefighters to expand their legacy beyond their significant contributions to public safety.
The NFFF, FRCE, and Knox encourage firefighters and the wider community to join hands and support the “Expand Your Legacy” campaign. For information on becoming a living kidney donor, visit kidney.org/NFFF.
The FRCE is proud to support Operational Intelligence for Health, Wellness, and Leadership (OIHWL) by Dr. Gamaliel Baer and Dr. David Schary
The First Responder Center for Excellence (FRCE) is dedicated to protecting the lives and livelihoods of first responders nationwide. We focus on shedding new light on health, wellness, and safety in an effort to reduce occupational illness, injury and death for first responders. The top three health and wellness focus areas of the FRCE are cardiac, cancer, and behavioral health.
The FRCE is proud to support Operational Intelligence for Health, Wellness, and Leadership (OIHWL) by Dr. Gamaliel Baer and Dr. David Schary. OIHWL is the culmination of a 4-year project to provide the fire service with an adoptable curriculum on health, wellness, and leadership. The National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) Fifth Needs Assessment of the U.S. Fire Service revealed that while the fire service has made improvements in health and wellness programs and education, there is still a long way to go. For fire departments that want to move forward, OIHWL is the book to guide you.
Heart attack, cancer, and suicide fatalities are tragic outcomes that are often highly preventable. OIHWL reveals how lifestyle plays a critical role in reducing the risk of these tragic outcomes. The book includes chapters on resilience, physical wellness, nutritional wellness, mental wellness, and leadership. Each chapter follows a model that was built off of Aristotle’s philosophy on human behavior and can be used as an educational template. OIHWL is the first book of the fire service that guides the reader on how lifestyle is tied to heart attack, cancer, and suicide risk, and provides a guide on how to fight back.
OIHWL cites extensively from fire service and general population literature as well as NFPA 1500 and 1583. The book can be used as an educational guide for a department or read by an individual. 100% of royalties from the book have been dedicated to supporting the NFFF and FRCE mission.